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Switch your plain water routine with this juicy, electrolyte-filled beverage.

All the flavors of your favorite cocktail, without the headache in the morning!

Sick of sipping on plain water with lemon? Kick things up a notch with an alcohol-free mojito! We love mocktails for their fun and playful twist on an adult beverage, while getting a boost of hydration from fresh fruit and sparkling water.

Juicy pineapples are the perfect base for a sweet mocktail. They’re high in vitamin C, antioxidants, and the electrolytes your body needs for tip-top hydration. Plus, they bring that tropical flavor that any good summer cocktail (or mocktail) requires!

You can’t have a mojito without lots of fresh mint. This refreshing herb pairs perfectly with sweet pineapple, and comes with its own list of superpowers. They’re rich in nutrients that may help improve digestion and brain functioning while cleaning up your breath. Hard to beat!

Finally, a good mojito needs freshly squeezed lime juice. Be sure to use real limes for the best flavor (and nutrient profile). If you don’t have limes, lemons can work in a pinch.


To make your sparkling pineapple mojito, blend up fresh pineapple with mint and lime juice in a blender until frothy. Pour evenly among two glasses filled with ice, then top off with sparkling natural mineral water. To keep things Paleo, make sure there are no added flavors. Perrier or Pellegrino are good brands to try!

Garnish your mojitos with more fresh mint leaves, and drink up. It’s best enjoyed right away, but you can make a batch to keep in the fridge for up to four days. Just remember to save the sparkling water for last!

Tip: Make your mojitos extra fancy and garnish each one with a toothpick piled with a slice of lime, a small cube of pineapple, and a mint leaf.

final mojitio


  • Recipe by:
  • Serves: 2
  • Meal: Anytime
  • Serves: 2
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
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  • 1 pineapple, cored and cubed

  • 8 mint leaves

  • 3 limes, juiced

  • 1 quart sparkling mineral water

  • 1/2 cups ice


  1. Add the pineapple, mint, and lime juice to a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth.

  2. Pour the mixture evenly among two glasses filled with ice. Top with sparkling water. Garnish with more mint, and enjoy!

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