Update on The Founder of The Paleo Diet®

July 8, 2024
It is with deep respect and profound sadness that we share the news that our dear friend and the developer of The Paleo Diet, Dr. Loren Cordain, was recently diagnosed with frontotemporal degeneration (FTD).
Frontotemporal degeneration is an umbrella term for a group of conditions that cause atrophy of the brain’s frontal lobe. FTD has a significant genetic component and onset typically occurs between 40 and 65. Over time, FTD increasingly affects the ability to communicate.
Dr. Cordain’s ability to communicate remains strong, but recent developments in the progression of his disease have made the prospect of his ongoing involvement with the company and its thriving Paleo Diet community unrealistic.
“Dr. Cordain has been my mentor and a good friend for a long time. It’s difficult watching him go through this experience, but I’m glad he and I are still able to meet and talk about new and ongoing research in nutrition science,” says Trevor Connor, the CEO of The Paleo Diet. “The best way for the Paleo community to honor Dr. Cordain’s legacy is to keep doing the research and to continue sharing how Paleo nutrition can help people.”
The Paleo Diet team is grateful for Dr. Cordain’s vibrant, productive career. Despite his family history with the disease, we are fortunate that he has been uninhibited by FTD and its symptoms until recently.
Dr. Cordain continues to share his passion for Paleolithic nutrition, which we know brings him great joy—that part of his mind is as sharp as ever. He still enjoys discussing current developments in health science. We hope that the Paleo community that he loves will continue to keep him in their thoughts. We will do everything we can to support Dr. Cordain and his family through this challenging journey.
The Cordain family has requested privacy during this difficult time. Questions about Dr. Cordain’s work or The Paleo Diet may be directed to info@thepaleodiet.com.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
The Paleo Diet Team
The Paleo Diet® team consists of a group of scientists, journalists, experts, and recipe creators who stay at the forefront of nutrition science.
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